Why Camp Shape?

Why Camp Shape?

Changing habits is hard and it needs a high motivation to do so. By changing your environment and staying with
other people with the same goals it could help you to get the kick-start you need for changing those habits.

We know that it´s not easy to make a change and two weeks in Camp Shape is not enough time to get in good shape.
But it is enough time to give you the tools you need for that change of old habits and to use the newly gained motivation
to stay happy and healthy when you return home.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Whole Body Detox

With the arrival of the new season comes the so-called spring fatigue.
A solution to avoid this situation is the cleaning of our body and a vitamin boost.
A detox diet can be followed from 7-14 days depending on the severity and health of each individual.
With a non-vitamin diet naturally detoxifying, removing harmful substances from the body accumulated over winter. Some simple rules to follow for those who wish to take a course / detox diet:
1. Increase fluid intake (fresh, juices, sweetened teas, water / mineral water)
2. Reduction (best bet would be to eliminate) the consumption of coffee, alcohol, tobacco, soft drinks commercially
3. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables
4. To change the refined carbohydrates with whole grains, and the consumption of sunflower oil with the olive oil.
5. Moderate consumption of hydrogenated fats and animal proteins.
6. Removing too many foods containing food additives.

A day detox:
In the morning a fresh orange, apple and carrots 300 ml of oat biscuits 50 g
At noon a portion of steamed mixed vegetables cooked brown rice 150 g addition, a slice of chicken breast with sesame seeds 100 g. Snack is fresh fruit choice, a grapefruit or a juicy apple.
At dinner, vegetables and mushrooms grilled with a slice of baked trout prepared with lemon juice.
A lemonade detox known that can be consumed 2-3 times a day (2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 teaspoons of maple syrup and a pinch of cayenne pepper)
Spring is the perfect season for refreshing your body and replenish energy
Movement helps clean outdoor airway and sauna detoxification is a method well known and very effective.
A beautiful spring, full of energy, dear readers

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